20 January 2009

"Life" in Prison

Prison was created for two basic functions--
PUNISHMENT of a crime & REHABILITATION of a criminal.

Some questions to think about:

1. Does prison do its job?
2. Does it punish AND rehabilitate so that a person does not commit the same crime again?
3. Does it offer a SECOND CHANCE to those it houses?
4. Does it change a person? How?
5. What does prison do to the family members of the incarcerated?

6. How many innocent people are sent to prison each year?
7. What happens to them? Physically? Psychologically?
8. Does anyone continue to fight for them once they are sent to prison?
9. How do they maintain hope while they are locked up?

19 January 2009

Repsonse Journal- Waiting on the World to Change

How much power do you, as one person, have?
If you do not agree with a policy or law, CAN YOU AFFECT CHANGE?!?!
Listen and respond.

John Mayer - Waiting on the world to change